Saturday, May 17, 2014

Duck, Duck, Goose and More

Duck diversity                                                                                                        © Diane B. Reed

Last year, several yellow ducklings appeared at the pond. They might have been Easter gifts that were later unwanted. We didn't hold out much hope for them because their bright color, unlike the Mallard ducklings, made them an easy target. But they made it, and turned into lovely white ducks. Now, they have families of their own, and daddy is a Mallard. One of the white ducks has a full genetic range of ducklings (above) -- three yellow babies, four typical Mallard ducklings, and one in between.

© Diane B. Reed
After several years of nesting unsuccessfully, a pair of Canada geese produced five goslings which they showed off in the pond. The arrival of our neighborhood Osprey was met with suitable vigilance, including attacking him when he dove for a fish.

Diving Osprey                                               © Diane B. Reed
The Osprey is one of our favorite visitors to the pond and seems to know that it's stocked with trout for the annual youth fishing derby. Because the pond has filled in with silt, the fish tend to be closer to the surface and easier for him to catch.

Song Sparrow poses with the arbor bird             © Diane B. Reed
Below is of one of our neighborhood Song Sparrows who uses a metal arbor in the yard as his lookout for intruders in his territory. The metal birds on the arbor are just his size, but he doesn't seem to mind them.

1 comment:

  1. Great shot of the sparrow with the ringer, you can't tell me you didn't pose that! ;)
