Sunday, April 1, 2012

Spring in the Wings

The Osprey has returned to Lions Park Pond                       © Diane B. Reed
Among the indicators of spring at the pond are comings and goings. We've been anticipating the migration of our flock of Wigeons and the return of the Osprey that frequents the pond during the summer and shoulder seasons. On Thursday as I walked down our street I heard a familiar call overhead. Looking up, I saw an Osprey soaring high above, seeming to announce his return.

Graupel on our deck                                   © Diane B. Reed
Although I've been on the lookout for him, I was a bit surprised to see him, in part because Wednesday had begun with a wild weather show including driving rain, graupel, and brilliant sunshine. But I imagine that he's smart enough to lay low when the weather turns bad on his journey.  Still, he seemed ecstatic to have arrived in his summer home. By Friday he had visited all his favorite perches around the pond.  He didn't seem to find anything to his liking, but he'll  have much better luck after the pond is stocked just before the Lions Club Fishing Derby on May 19. This even kicks off the best fishing at the pond (restricted to kids under 14) and for our Osprey. 


  1. Thanks, Diane! Now I'll know an osprey if I see one. I followed the link & observed he/she looks like an eagle's head attached to a pigeon's body, only bigger. I listened to the call. It sounded like, "Cheep, cheep!" to me. But I will be alert.

    Speaking of calls, when we moved here last year at this time I noticed with astonishment that as dusk came on, the cicadas were chirping. (I believe they make this sound by rubbing their legs together, so I guess it isn't really a "call"--or is it? Definitely for attracting mates!) Anyway, the sound is back, in spite of our cold weather! I always associated the cicadas' sound with hot summer nights in PA. Now I think it must in fact be keyed by the longer days.

    Today (4/7) we are enjoying the 2nd sunny day in a row--unprecedented for many months! I'm about to take a walk along the residential streets that surround TLRC. Most are well landscaped with blooming shrubs, trees, & bulbs--a welcome change from our neighborhood in Boise!

    And so, the beat goes on in Tacoma! When are you & Bruce going to come see us?

  2. Osprey are quite large and impressive in person, despite their modest call. They're particularly formidable looking when they dive head and talons first into the water to catch a fish.

    We don't seem to have any cicadas out here, I expect it's too dry.

    Not sure when we're coming your way at this point. I had a knee replacement about 6 weeks ago and I'm not taking any long trips for the time being.
