Friday, July 22, 2011

Friendliest Small Town in the U.S.!

Pioneer Park on the Fourth of July                                       © Diane B. Reed 

The Garden Vegan Cafe, downtown © Diane B. Reed
This week, USA Today and Rand McNally's Best of the Road named Walla Walla as the friendliest small town in the United States. It isn't a surprise to me and most of the folks here, but it sure is nice to be recognized as the town "that's so nice, they named it twice." All you have to do is walk around town, head over to the Farmers' Market, or go to the annual summer musical put on by the Walla Walla Community College Foundation--this year it's "Hairspray." (This is the last weekend, so if you haven't see it yet, add it to your plans.)

It's wonderful to walk around downtown or head off for the supermarket and bump into friends, or meet them for lunch in one of our many restaurants. And even though Walla Walla boasts 32,000 residents it has that small town feeling that makes us feel at home. There is lots for kids to do including playgrounds, parks, skateboard and BMX parks, and youth fishing. 

Dabbling in the pond at Lions Park, College Place  © Diane B. Ree
But don't take my word for it, if you've never been to Walla Walla, come visit. And if you already live here in the Walla Walla Valley, enjoy the accolades that have come our way. You might even rediscover what the Wynns from "Best of the Road" saw when they came to visit.

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