Osprey drives Swainson's Hawk off his perch © Diane B. Reed |
Yesterday a Swainson's Hawk visited the Walnut tree that overlooks the pond, much to the consternation of the little birds that hang out at the feeders and in the yard. He was back on his perch this morning for awhile, then flew up into a nearby Sycamore tree. Unfortunately, he picked the favorite perch of one of our Osprey regulars, who flew in and flew into action, driving him off the perch. The action continued across the pond, where the Osprey landed on his favorite snag on the island. The hawk retaliated, and they flew at each other. The Osprey eventually prevailed and the hawk flew off.
Swainson's Hawk © Diane B. Reed
Fishing derby at Lions Park © Diane B. Reed
Friday night there were several Great Blue Heron who seemed to have heard about the stocking and flew in for a look. These herons are solitary most of the time and several loud confrontations ensued. Having driven off the competition, the victor immediately waded into a shallow area and speared a fat trout, making short work of the fish.
Great Blue Heron © Diane B. Reed