Sunday, October 31, 2010

Catch " Walla Walla Ponderings" in Walla Walla Lifestyles magazine!

View of the pond at Lions Park, College Place WA                                                   © Diane B. Reed

October 31, 2010

My first "Ponderings" column was published today in the November Walla Walla Lifestyles magazine included in the Walla Union Bulletin. To view the article go to My column appears on the home page, and the magazine will soon be available online in its entirety at by clicking on the Features tab, then Lifestyles.

Osprey warns off a posse of Magpies                                                                   © Diane B. Reed
I plan on including a few extra photos in my blog that illustrate the columns but couldn't be used due to space issues, and to provide some interim observations from the pond and the area.


Osprey reacts to Magpie harassment                                                                       © Diane B. Reed
Blogging is a new endeavor, so bear with me as I learn the ins and outs. Always happy to hear from you!

The Magpie posse zeroes in on the Osprey                                                      © Diane B. Reed
Stay tuned!